Seraphina Wiki
Chapter 1


Important Events
  • It is revealed that Prince Rufus was recently decapitated, a draconian method of killing
  • Seraphina plays her flute at Prince Rufus's funeral, attracting the attention of the entire court
  • It is revealed that Orma is a dragon

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Seraphina, who has recently become the assistant to the court composer, Viridius, is in charge of the music for Prince Rufus's funeral. Unfortunately, the flutist and his understudy cannot play, so Seraphina is playing the Invocation to St. Eustace for Prince Rufus. At first she is nervous, because she promised her father she would not play in public, but the royal family's grief inspires her to play beautifully, capturing the essence of mourning.

Afterwards, Seraphina is exhausted. One of her musicians, Guntard, approaches her to praise her performance and tell her that there is a man who wants to see her about the possibility of including a pygegyria dance in the funeral. Seraphina dismisses this, avoiding the man, and hurries to leave the cathedral, accepting compliments from all sorts of passerby for her flute solo.

Once she exits, she sees Orma, her dragon uncle, waiting for her.


